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  • Hispanic high school students have the same cigarette smoking prevalence as high schoolers overall (2%), according to the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey.
  • Hispanic American middle schoolers continue to have a slightly higher prevalence of cigarette smoking compared to middle schoolers overall (1.2% v. 1%).
  • In 2022, e-cigarettes were the most commonly used tobacco product among Hispanic American middle and high school students (8.8%), followed by cigarettes (1.8%) and cigars (1.7%).
  • Hispanic American high school students reported slightly lower prevalence of e-cigarette use compared to high schoolers overall (12.2% vs. 14.1%) in 2022, while Hispanic American middle school students reported a slightly higher prevalence of e-cigarette use compared to middle school students overall (4.2% vs 3.3%).


Hispanic American adults have a lower prevalence of all tobacco product use compared to adults overall, according to the 2021 National Health Interview Survey. This includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco products. However, smoking prevalence differs widely within Hispanic subgroups and by gender:

  • Hispanic American adults who identify as Puerto Rican have consistently reported the highest current smoking prevalence (17%) compared to other subgroups, whereas Hispanic American adults who identify as Central or South American have reported the lowest (6%).
  • Adult Hispanic women have reported significantly lower smoking prevalence (6%) compared to Hispanic men (12%).
  • In 2022, 7.8% of Hispanic young adults reported that they smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days, lower than White young adults (9.7%) but higher than Black young adults (4.2%), according to the Monitoring the Future Report. Compared to 2021, smoking prevalence for Hispanic young adults in 2022 trended upward, while smoking prevalence among Black and White young adults trended downward.
  • Among Hispanic adults, 3.3% used e-cigarettes in 2021 compared to 4.5% of adults overall.
  • Between 2016-2017, 53.2% of Hispanic smokers had made a quit attempt. However, Hispanic smokers had lower odds of receiving cessation advice from a health professional compared to White and Black smokers.

Smoking prevalence among young adults

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