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تحسين مواقع الويب مهندس محمود النمر

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Dollar for dollar, email marketing is one of the most effective channels at your disposal. The right email marketing strategy can increase sales, strengthen relationships, and convert browsers into buyers.

Whether it’s with an engaging newsletter or a persuasive abandoned cart message, email lets you keep the conversation going after visitors leave your website.

That’s why the first email you send is super important. Welcome emails set the tone for future communications and leave a lasting impression.

To help you say that perfect hello, here are 10 standout welcome email examples. 

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What is a welcome email?

A welcome email is the first email communication sent to a shopper or subscriber. It often contains a subscription confirmation, a promotional discount, or post-purchase information. Welcome emails are usually sent to people who have performed a specific action, such as entering their email address in an online store, and may be part of a series of onboarding emails.

The welcome email you send sets the foundation for future communications with a customer. Depending on the action that triggers your email—such as making a purchase or joining your company newsletter—your welcome message could be seen by more people than any other content you create.

10 best welcome email examples

Here are 10 recent examples of great welcome emails from a range of businesses. They show how to personalize emails, tell engaging stories, and use language to communicate brand values. Use them to inform your content.

Remember to note the email’s subject line; it’s the first interaction you’ll have with subscribers. 

  1. Alo Yoga
  2. Typology
  3. Babylist
  4. Better Packaging Co.
  5. Thigh society
  6. Reformation
  7. Pleasures
  8. Yellowbird
  9. Jacumba Hot Springs Hotel
  10. Buoy

1. Alo Yoga

Subject line: “Welcome to Alo”

Promo codes are a common feature of welcome emails, offering a discount on a customer’s first purchase. Small discounts serve as a welcome gift and an incentive for website visitors to join your email list.

This welcome email from athleisure brand Alo Yoga includes a witty discount code displayed within a large call-to-action (CTA) button. The button leads to a dedicated product page for first-time shoppers, showcasing some of the brand’s most popular items.

A model wearing Alo Yoga workout clothing behind a discount code inside a call-to-action button.
Alo Yoga

To personalize its welcome email, Alo asks customers for their clothing preferences during signup. It also offers an extra discount for people who provide their phone number along with an email address.

This email’s subject line may not be the most catchy, but its clear and clickable call-to-action stands out, effectively guiding customers back to the website.

2. Typology

Subject line: “Typology skin diagnosis: your skin diagnostic results are available”

This welcome email is triggered when first-time website visitors complete Typology’s skin care diagnostic test. The simple call to action encourages readers to revisit the website, where they can find personalized product recommendations.

A medicine cabinet shelf contains artfully placed items such as serum bottles and a hair clip.

While the welcome email itself isn’t personalized, the CTA indicates that linked content has been prepared specially for the reader—a smart way to give the feel of a tailored shopping experience.

By borrowing medical language, the email subject line also creates an official tone that compels readers to open the message.

3. Babylist

Subject line: “Welcome to Babylist, [Name]”

Studies suggest that mentioning a subscriber’s name in the subject line makes them more likely to open the email. This welcome message from the baby registry website Babylist employs this tactic, alongside other personalized elements.

A rainbow-colored header above visual explaining how Babylist’s baby registry works.

After a brightly colored CTA inviting readers to continue building their registry, the email gives a simple visual explanation of the service, and then ends with a personalized congratulatory message.

If the reader clicks through to the website, they’ll find a 15% discount code that becomes active 60 days before their expected due date. Babylist uses this information, collected during signup, to put a personal spin on a first-purchase promo code.

4. Better Packaging Co.

Subject line: “Hello from Better Packaging!”

Personalizing your email goes beyond using the reader’s name. The tone of your copywriting can also make an email feel friendly and welcoming.

Take this example from packaging company, Better Packaging Co.:

Two people holding packaging above a letter to readers explaining the brand’s mission.
Better Packaging Co.

Written in an everyday voice, the email explains the brand’s mission and casually mentions a popular product. It signs off with first names and a photo, allowing readers to connect a face to the words.

Even if you choose not to personalize your email with automations, you can give your message a personal touch with careful word choice. Be friendly, use relatable language, and address the reader directly (use “I,” “we,” and “you”).

Better Packaging’s welcome email is also a good reminder that personal language isn’t just for direct-to-consumer brands. Business owners and B2B buyers also appreciate a personal approach.

5. Thigh Society

Subject line: “You’re gonna love it here”

A welcome is also an opportunity to get creative with your copywriting. Here, shorts brand Thigh Society uses playful puns to express the concept of subscribers joining an exclusive club or society:

Models demonstrate how comfortable and flexible Thigh Society’s shorts are.
Thigh Society

Product details masquerade as “Thigh Society rules,” while a thank-you message contrasts the exclusivity of a members club with the inclusivity of the brand’s product range.

Consider what creative concepts you could use to describe your brand and consumer experience. If you have a customer loyalty program, a welcome email is also a good place to introduce its perks.

6. Reformation

Subject line: “HI, WE’RE REFORMATION”

Good brand storytelling is about selecting the right details to share. The goal is to paint an engaging and attractive picture of your brand without overwhelming or boring the reader.

A welcome email is a prime opportunity to say more about your brand, products, or services. However, like any good introduction, it’s important not to overshare.

Sustainable clothing brand Reformation shows how to convey a brand story concisely in this welcome email:

A person models Reformation’s dresses in various garden settings.

In three succinct sentences (alongside fitting product photography), readers get a sense of what makes Reformation unique. The brand comes across as trendy, driven, and eye-catching.

Clicking on the links or images in the email leads readers to more in-depth brand storytelling content on Reformation’s website.

7. Pleasures

Subject line: “Enjoy PLEASURES”

Most welcome emails are designed to match a business’s brand and website. But why stop at fonts and colors? This welcome email example from ’90s-inspired apparel store Pleasures shows how you can infuse every pixel of your email with your brand identity:

An email with text boxes designed to appear as retro Windows pop-ups and an image of a Discman.

The email embraces a retro Windows OS aesthetic, complete with pixelated images and old-school toolbars.

Despite the focus on branding, standard welcome email features are present, including a discount code, a company bio, and a link to the online store.

The addition of a welcome playlist adds an extra surprise, serving as a joyful call to action that’s likely to increase the amount of time a reader spends interacting with the brand.

8. Yellowbird

Subject line: “Your inbox just got a little hotter 🌶”

Hot sauce company Yellowbird chooses to apply its branding across its entire welcome message.

The black outlined font and illustrations on the brand’s signature yellow background lend a homemade feel to the email. Likewise, the casual tone of the copy, “Farm-fresh, no-bullshit ingredients. You in???” mirrors the authenticity of the product.

A bright yellow email contains animated images of Yellowbired hot sauce bottles.

As readers scroll through the email, they encounter animated product images that help keep their attention. Each image is accompanied by a call-to-action button that directs to the relevant product detail page.

Incorporating simple animated elements, like GIFs, is a great way to add interactivity to your emails.

9. Jacumba Hot Springs Hotel

Subject line: “Thank you kindly for signing up”

Sometimes, a welcome email just needs to say hello. It’s an acknowledgment that a visitor has interacted with your brand and trusted you with their email address.

Take a look at this simple, two-tone example from Jacumba Hot Springs Hotel:

A minimalist beige email with large serif font and simple border, welcoming new subscribers to the newsletter.
Jacumba Hot Springs Hotel

This minimal welcome email doesn’t attempt to persuade readers to visit the company’s website or make a purchase. When readers don’t show a clear intent to buy a product, sending a sales-focused email can appear pushy.

Instead, the copywriting sends the opposite message. It assures subscribers their time is valued, and their inboxes won’t be flooded with unwanted sales material.

10. Buoy

Subject line: “Welcome to our hydration family 💙”

If your brand specializes in a single or limited range of products, sometimes the most effective introduction involves letting your product take the spotlight.

Content that showcases your product can make for a persuasive welcome email—like this one from supplement company Buoy:

A large background image of an iced latte in a frosted glass dominates this welcome email.

The image, which serves as the email’s background, depicts an ideal use case with a refreshing iced coffee.

An animated scrolling bar of product features keeps the visual interest alive and efficiently shares product details. At the top, a generous discount and money-back guarantee provide interested readers with every reason to give the product a try.

How to write a welcome email

It’s worth your time to craft a welcome email—in fact, it will likely be the most successful email you ever send. On average, welcome emails have higher open rates and conversion rates than any other type of email campaign. 

When composing a welcome email, or the initial email in a welcome series, there are several key objectives to bear in mind. Keep these tips handy:

Showcase your value proposition

Flooding new customers with promotional messages right off the bat can lead to a poor first impression. It’s important to remember the principle of give and take.

Offering discounts, sharing tips and tricks, and broadcasting other relevant content can deliver value while subtly nudging users toward making a purchase in the future.

Personalize your message

Today’s email marketing services enable you to send more targeted messages than ever before. And it’s good practice. Studies suggest that personalized subject lines increase open rates and engagement, and lower unsubscribe rates.

When it comes to personalization, the tone of your copy also matters. Make your welcome messages friendly to forge a natural connection between readers and your brand.

A text-heavy welcome email contains the recipient name above a red button that reads “Start my order.”
Really Good Emails

Send your welcome email immediately

Imagine you’re offering a 10%-off promo code as an incentive for joining your newsletter. If a customer is ready to make a purchase and doesn’t receive that promo code promptly, you risk missing out on the sale.

Remember, welcome emails rank among the most successful of all email campaigns. Automate your welcome emails to ensure they’re sent as soon as your audience performs the related action (such as submitting their email address). This will give you the best chance of making a conversion.

Remind subscribers to remove you from filters

Email clients may automatically direct marketing content to the junk folder. To prevent this, urge your subscribers to white list your address. This ensures they won’t miss out on your content and helps avoid your future emails being marked as spam.

You can include a friendly reminder in your welcome email, such as, “Hey, remember to add us to your safe senders list.” Consider adding a short tutorial that explains how to white list emails in Gmail or other popular mail apps.

An animation walks through the steps of how to create a Gmail filter for select mail or content.
Gmail Help

If providing a full tutorial seems excessive, a simple reminder in the email footer can also do the trick.

Set expectations

Make it easy for subscribers to adjust preferences or unsubscribe. You can win trust by telling subscribers about the type and frequency of emails you plan to send them, as well as reminding them how they ended up on your list.

Beyond being good email best practices, providing this kind of information may be required by law if you have European or UK customers. Try to be transparent across your email marketing, from your signup form to your bottom-funnel email sequence.

A large red button that reads “activate 50% off” dominates this welcome email.
Really Good Emails

Have a clear call to action

What action do you want new users to take after reading your welcome email? Whether you want them to use a promo code or visit your About page, make the next step clear—and avoid confusion with multiple CTAs.

Make sure your CTA is clear, formatted in a contrasting color, and not surrounded by text or complex visuals. A bold, simple button will always be more clickable than a complicated design feature.

Use high-quality imagery

Whether it’s product photography or custom illustrations, the visuals in your welcome email should be captivating. Use imagery that resonates with your target audience—GIFs and emojis may work well for some, but not for others.

A collage of images of athletes training alongside the phrase Welcome to the team.”
Really Good Emails

Images can also help build social proof if used correctly. With the overlaying “Welcome to the Team” text among images of famous athletes, this asset from Under Armor says to potential customers, “Hey, these top-tier athletes trust us. You should too.”

A compelling image doesn’t require a significant investment in email design. Consider using DIY photo-editing tools to create a banner or a collage of your products.

Make it mobile-friendly

Approximately 48% of emails are opened on mobile devices, and this number could be higher depending on your audience and email type.

With many users preferring mobile, it’s crucial to create a welcome email that works seamlessly across devices. This not only makes life easier for your customers but also enhances accessibility and customer engagement.

Always test new emails on multiple devices to see how they appear.

Write an engaging subject line 

Standard phrases like “Your subscription has been confirmed” or “Welcome to our email list!” may not be enough to stand out in a crowded inbox.

Your welcome email subject line (and preview text) is the first piece of communication your potential customer will see. Aim to evoke a feeling: notice how curiosity, urgency, and a sense of belonging are common themes in the examples above.

Run A/B tests

Not sure which subject line will work best? Try running some A/B tests to see which copy generates the highest open and click-through rates.

A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of your email to see which one performs better. You can test elements like the subject line, email content, or call-to-action.

Welcome email templates

Need some email copywriting inspiration? Here are some subject line and email body templates for you to personalize.

Subject line templates

Depending on the type of welcome email you’re sending, you’ll want to use a different approach to your subject line. After all, if you’re focusing on getting an urgent sale, “Welcome! Check us out on Twitter!” isn’t going to help you. 

No matter what approach you’re taking, you’ll find an idea here:

  1. 10% OFF just for you!
  2. Your 10% discount is waiting for you
  3. Welcome to [brand], [name]! Shop now [emoji]
  4. Hi [name]. Nice to have you with us
  5. Welcome [name]. Here’s your [%] off on us!
  6. Did you say … Discount? [emoji]
  7. A hint of what’s to come [emoji]
  8. Treat yourself [emoji]
  9. Hey [name]. Here’s your [lead magnet]!
  10. Your [brand/product/purpose] journey starts here

If none of these templates appeal to you, you can always use a tool like Omnisend’s email subject line tester to help you figure out the perfect subject line.

Email body templates

When it comes to the main email body copy, you should treat it as a landing page: keep things simple and have one clear goal in mind. 

Here are three basic templates that communicate different welcome messages: 

  • Telling a brand story
  • Building curiosity
  • Promoting a product

Telling the brand story email template

Hey [name].

Welcome! I’m [founder of company]. Our journey started in [year] to [state mission/purpose]. 

Since then, [social proof statement, e.g., hundreds of thousands of customers use our products to …]. 

We’re so excited you’ve joined us! As a thank you, I’d like to offer you [discount] for your first order. Let’s [brand purpose] together!

[founder name]

Build curiosity email template

Hey [name],

Welcome to [brand/brand community]! You’ve joined an exclusive group of awesome people all working toward [brand purpose or addressing customer pain points].

In case you’re wondering, our product [ingredients/unique design] was created by [talk a little about your design process].

If you’re interested in finding out more, check out [link to About Us/blog post/product landing page].

Now that you’re part of our community, look out for exclusive offers and new release updates. (Don’t forget to add us to your contact list so we don’t end up in your junk mail!) 

Take care!


Urgency sales email template

Hey [name]!

[discount offer]

Welcome to [brand]! Thanks for signing up. We want you to have the best

experience you’ve ever had. Treat yourself to [brand product] with [discount] off your first purchase.

Use code [discount code] at the checkout.

See you there!


Each of these templates is a starting place. Customize them to your brand’s needs and offerings. Just remember that email copy is one element of the overall welcome email experience.

3 apps to build a welcome email series

The Shopify App Store has many well-reviewed email marketing apps to help you build and manage a welcome email campaign.

Here are three apps for creating automated emails that are sent when someone signs up for your email list.

Shopify Email

A simplified email builder highlights features including automated scheduling and subject line generation.

With a drag-and-drop editor and sales-focused templates, Shopify Email makes it simple to create branded welcome emails. Build content directly in the Shopify admin to feature your products, prices, checkout links, and more.


A collage of data panels show customer insights such as recently viewed products and predicted order dates.

Use Klaviyo to make highly targeted, personalized emails and texts that drive sales for your store. Data can be sourced from Shopify and other apps, including web activity, tags, catalog, and coupon codes.


A Combidesk window includes dropdown menus to select different email audience segments.

Combidesk enhances your ability to segment emails by synchronizing data from your store, such as customer addresses and orders, with your email list. Easily find email subscribers with abandoned carts, high order rates, and more.

Roll out the welcome mat for customers

A welcome email often marks the first time your brand lands in a customer’s closely protected inbox. So, it’s crucial to make a strong impression and justify your presence.

At the same time, your first email should be one step toward a long and rewarding customer relationship. Set the right tone, share something engaging, and provide subscribers with a reason to return.

Then, focus on delivering high-quality content to remind subscribers how wise they were to let you into their inbox.

Welcome emails FAQ

What are the benefits of sending a welcome email?

Welcome emails introduce your brand to a new customer. They help create a positive first impression when someone makes a purchase or signs up for your email list. As a result, customers are more likely to engage with future emails, leading to improved click-through rates, conversions, and lower unsubscribe rates.

How do I write a welcome email?

  • Showcase your value proposition
  • Personalize your message
  • Send your welcome email immediately
  • Remind subscribers to remove you from filters
  • Set expectations
  • Have a clear call to action
  • Use high-quality images
  • Make it mobile friendly
  • Write an engaging subject line

What should I include in a welcome email?

A welcome email should include a warm greeting, a brief introduction to your brand, a clear call to action, and any relevant information, such as a discount code or details about what subscribers can expect from future emails.

How often should I send welcome emails?

A welcome email should be sent immediately after a customer subscribes or makes a purchase. If you plan to send a series of welcome emails, it’s best to space them out over a few days or weeks to avoid overwhelming your new subscriber. You may choose to automate your welcome emails so they’re sent after a user performs a specific action on your website.

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