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Key stat: 31% of US B2B marketers are using AI for chatbots, coding, and design, according to an August 2023 survey from Sagefrog Marketing Group. Another 30% are using AI for content and presentations.

Beyond the chart:

  • Nearly half (49%) of B2B leaders in North America believe that customer support chatbots are important to the digital purchase journey of their customers, per August 2023 data from Spryker and Pivotree.
  • However, the human element of the sales cycle is still crucial because it adds authenticity and an intuitive understanding between buyers and sellers, as noted in our B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024 report.
  • Human oversight is also needed to ensure AI output aligns with the brand voice and values, even though the technology has the potential to boost differentiation.

Use this chart:

  • Evaluate your AI investments.

More like this:

Methodology: Data is from the November 2023 Sagefrog Marketing Group “17th Edition: 2024 B2B Marketing Mix Report.” Over 2,400 US B2B marketers were surveyed during August 1-30, 2023. Respondents were from various industries and held positions that include coordinator/specialist (33%), manager/director (32%), assistant (16%), vice president (11%), or C-level (8%).

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