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What is demand generation?

Demand generation is the process of creating and cultivating interest in a product or service with the goal of generating high-quality leads that can be nurtured into loyal customers. Tactics include creating content to drive qualified traffic to a website, using marketing automation to generate leads from existing contacts, leveraging customer data to create segmented campaigns and driving customer demand for a company’s products or services. Demand generation helps organizations increase sales and revenue by attracting new prospects who are likely to make purchases.

What are the benefits of demand generation?

Demand generation is more than just a buzzword. It represents a strategic approach that encompasses a wide range of marketing and sales activities aimed at creating awareness, generating interest and, ultimately, driving customer demand for a product or service. The multifaceted process combines creativity, data-driven insights and customer-centric methodologies to fuel business growth. It provides the following benefits:

  • Increased brand awareness. Demand-generation efforts focus on creating awareness and visibility of a brand, helping to establish the company as a trusted authority in an industry.
  • Targeted lead generation. By utilizing targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences, demand generation lets businesses attract and capture high-quality leads who are more likely to be converted into customers.
  • Improved customer engagement. Demand-generation strategies emphasize meaningful interactions with prospects throughout their customer journey, fostering engagement and building long-lasting relationships with the audience.
  • Enhanced customer trust and credibility. Through consistent and valuable content and offers, demand generation helps to position a company as a reliable and knowledgeable resource, earning the trust and credibility of potential customers.
  • Expanded market reach. Effective demand-generation techniques let marketing teams reach a wider audience and tap into new markets, opening up opportunities for business growth and expansion.
  • Increased conversion rates. By nurturing and educating prospects, demand generation increases the likelihood of converting leads into customers, maximizing conversion rates and improving overall sales performance.
  • Higher customer retention. Demand generation isn’t just about attracting new customers; it also focuses on nurturing existing customers, encouraging repeat business, fostering loyalty and reducing churn.
  • Data-driven insights. Demand generation relies on data analysis and tracking to measure the success of campaigns, providing valuable insights that can inform future marketing strategies and optimization efforts.
  • Competitive advantage. By effectively implementing demand-generation strategies, companies can gain a competitive edge over rivals by capturing customer attention, building strong relationships and staying top of mind in a crowded market.
  • Sustainable business growth. Ultimately, demand generation contributes to long-term business growth by creating a consistent pipeline of interested prospects and converting them into loyal customers, ensuring the stability and profitability of an organization.

6 stages of demand generation

The stages of demand generation are sequential steps a potential customer goes through during their customer journey, from first contact to qualified lead to long-term customer. Content and offers should align with where the prospect is in their purchasing decision-making process. While there is often overlap between the stages — and the strategies in each stage vary from company to company based on the individual customer journey and the complexity of the offerings — each prospect generally moves through the following demand-generation process stages.

Image showing the steps in the demand generation conversion funnel: awareness, interest, consideration, intent, decision, rentention.

1. Awareness stage

In this stage, the goal is to create awareness among the target audience about a brand, products or services. Potential customers are aware they have a problem and are researching solutions through various channels, such as content marketing, social media, search engines and referrals. The focus is on capturing their attention and introducing them to the company’s value proposition.

2. Interest stage

Once prospects are aware of the offerings from a company, the next stage is to pique their curiosity and engage them further. This can be achieved through compelling content, thought leadership pieces, educational resources, webinars and interactive experiences. The goal is to showcase the brand’s expertise, build trust and establish credibility, while keeping prospects engaged and eager to find the best fit for their needs.

3. Consideration stage

This is where potential customers actively evaluate a company’s offerings and compare them to alternatives as part of their due diligence. They might seek more in-depth information, reviews, case studies and product demonstrations. Companies should provide valuable content that addresses a customer’s specific pain points and showcases the unique benefits of their products or services to help them make an informed decision.

4. Intent stage

At this point, prospects are actively considering making a purchase. They might request price quotes, engage in sales conversations and participate in product trials or demos. The goal is to nurture their intent and provide the necessary support and information to help them make a confident buying decision.

5. Conversion or decision stage

This is the stage when prospects take a desired action to become qualified leads or customers. This can involve making a purchase, signing up for a subscription, requesting a consultation or taking another conversion action based on specific business goals. The focus shifts to providing a smooth and seamless conversion experience, addressing any concerns or obstacles, and ensuring a positive transition from prospect to customer.

6. Retention stage

This part of the customer journey is often overlooked once a prospect becomes a customer, and for that reason it is often not considered a stage of demand generation. However, retention involves the continued nurturing of existing customers through ongoing support, delivering exceptional experiences and fostering loyalty through continued communication and value propositions. Loyal customers become great advocates for a brand and often lead to more people being referred into the top of the demand-generation funnel.

Demand generation vs. lead generation

It’s important to differentiate demand generation from lead generation, as the two are often used interchangeably but have distinct nuances. Demand generation encompasses a broader range of marketing activities aimed at creating awareness, generating interest and stimulating demand for a product or service. It focuses on cultivating interest and building relationships with potential customers even before they actively consider making a purchase. Lead generation, on the other hand, specifically involves capturing and collecting information from prospects who have shown interest in a product or service and qualifying those leads for potential conversion into customers.

The objectives between the two vary slightly as well. The primary objective of demand generation is to build brand awareness, establish credibility and generate demand for products or services, even if conversion is not the immediate focus. The primary objective of lead generation is to identify and capture individuals who have expressed interest in the company and have the potential to be converted into customers.

Demand generation best practices

There are many steps to developing and implementing a strong demand-generation strategy into an organization’s marketing plan. To generate demand for products and services, marketing teams should employ the following best practices to ensure successful results and business growth.

1. Develop goals

One of the first things a team should do is develop and agree upon the goals of the demand-generation strategy. Having specific and measurable goals is a great way to determine success throughout campaigns. Goals can include the generation of new marketing-qualified leads, increased revenue from campaigns or additional deals in the pipeline.

2. Clearly define the target audience

To effectively tailor their demand-generation efforts, marketing teams should create detailed buyer personas to help them define the needs, pain points, motivations and behaviors of their ideal buyers.

3. Develop compelling content

Create high-quality and relevant content that resonates with the target audience at each stage of the customer journey. Use a mix of formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, e-books, webinars and podcasts, to engage and educate prospects throughout their buyer’s journey. This content should be tailored to address the needs at each stage of that journey, with the goal of pushing prospects further down the sales funnel.

4. Use a multichannel approach

Use a combination of digital marketing channels — including an optimized website, search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, paid advertising and content distribution platforms — to reach the target audience across different touchpoints, meeting them where they are or where they tend to do their research.

5. Personalize and segment campaigns

Leverage data and marketing automation tools to personalize campaigns based on the specific interests and preferences of the target audience. Segmenting the audience enables teams to deliver more personalized, relevant content and experiences at each stage. Implementing an account-based marketing strategy can also help if specific accounts will be targeted.

6. Optimize the conversion funnel

Continuously optimize the conversion funnel by streamlining the customer journey, reducing friction points and improving the user experience. Use data and analytics to identify bottlenecks and make data-driven improvements to increase conversion rates.

7. Nurture leads with email marketing

Implement automated email nurturing campaigns to keep leads engaged and to move them through the buyer’s journey. Provide valuable content and use personalized messaging to nurture and build relationships with leads to keep the company top of mind with prospects.

8. Measure and analyze results

Look back at the goals that were set and refer to the key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of the demand-generation efforts. Use analytics tools to track and analyze relevant metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, engagement levels and revenue attribution. These insights can be used to optimize campaigns and find out what is working and what isn’t.

9. Continually test and iterate

Teams should perform A/B testing on different elements of their campaigns and channels — including copy, calls to action, visuals and offers — to find out what resonates with their target audience. Learning from these test results and making iterative improvements ensures marketing teams get the most out of their resources and efforts.

10. Ensure sales and marketing alignment

Strong alignment between sales and marketing teams can maximize the effect of demand-generation efforts. Regular communications about strategies can ensure a seamless handoff of leads and lets the teams share valuable insights to improve lead quality and conversion rates.

Editor’s note: TechTarget offers ABM and project intelligence data, tools and services.

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