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The Gist

  • Generative AI gains popularity. Thirty-four percent of email marketers use generative AI for copy, outpacing video and CSS interactivity.
  • AMP struggles in email. Only 7% use AMP for email, hindered by lack of support from major email clients.
  • Top email trends for performance. Live content, multivariate testing and personalization lead in improving email marketing performance.

Marketers constantly wrestle with which tactics and technologies they should invest their time and money in. What’s on the mind of marketers in the world of email marketing? Here are some insights into email marketing trends to help them make the best decisions for their brands this year.

Generative AI Is Popular, But Weak on Performance

For a technology that’s been mainstream for not even two years, usage rates are impressive. According to the State of Email Trends report from Litmus and Oracle Digital Experience Agency, of nearly 500 email marketers, 34% use generative AI for copy at least occasionally, making it more popular than CSS-based email interactivity (26%) and video in email (33%). Only 9% of respondents are using generative AI for image generation.

That divergence between generative AI for copy and for generative AI for images makes a lot of sense. To get generative AI to create images that meet brand standards and usage requirements takes art direction skills that most email marketers don’t have. On the other hand, copy is much more forgiving — and much, much easier to edit.

Another interesting divergence is that organizations with fewer than 500 employees were significantly more likely than larger organizations to use generative AI in their email marketing programs. The legal risks with generative AI are clearly less of a concern with smaller brands, which also find generative AI attractive as a time-saver and skills gap-filler.

While usage is high for a new technology, the performance improvement reported by users is not. In fact, of all the 38 email marketing elements, tactics and technologies asked about, respondents rated generative AI for copy and for images among the bottom three in terms of performance (along with Email Annotations and schema). This supports the view that generative AI is predominantly about time-savings, not performance increases — at least for now.

Related Article: Machine Learning and Generative AI in Marketing: Critical Differences

A row of mailboxes in rainbow colors sit atop a support with a sidewalk and green trees in the background in piece about email marketing trends.
It’s heartening to see smaller brands embracing the email marketing trends that serve bigger brands so well. Bonita on Adobe Stock Photos

AMP for Email Continues to Struggle

Five years after the release of AMP for email, only 7% of respondents report using it at least occasionally, making it a very niche tactic. That said, the small number of organizations using it seem to be quite pleased with the performance boost it produces.

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