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In today’s increasingly online world, digital marketing has never been so important. It’s no longer just about handing out flyers and hiring billboards – consumers are moving online and businesses need to follow.

In fact, around 63% of shopping occasions now begin online, highlighting the importance of having a strong online presence. Fail to prioritise digital marketing and you could find your brand lost in a sea of competition, losing valuable sales.

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Are you a digital marketing expert?

So, how much do you know about digital marketing” Can you tell your SEO from your CRM or are they all just letters to you?

Complete our quiz below to put your knowledge to the test and find out (answers can be found at the bottom of the page).

1.     What does SEO stand for?

  1. Send Email Out
  2. Serial Editorial Output
  3. Search Engine Optimisation
  4. Search Expectation Order

2.     What percentage of web traffic originates from organic search?

  1. 27%
  2. 32%
  3. 48%
  4. 53%

3.     Which of the following is NOT a type of digital marketing?

  1. Video
  2. Social media
  3. Print advertising
  4. Email

4.     What does PPC stand for?

  1. Pay Per Click
  2. Programme Placement Code
  3. Programme Pay Customer
  4. Personal Placement Clicks

5.     What is the maximum number of characters per tweet?

  1. 140
  2. 180
  3. 240
  4. 280

6.     Which of the following is NOT a type of content marketing?

  1. Image
  2. Blog post
  3. OneNote
  4. Video

7.     What is a CRM?

  1. Consumer Relations Marketing
  2. Customer Relationship Management
  3. Customer Returns Manager
  4. Critical Relationship Manager

8.     Which is more secure: HTTP or HTTPS?

  1. HTTP
  2. HTTPS

9.     What does “branding” mean in digital marketing?

  1. Market segmentation
  2. Your target market
  3. Personal identity and image
  4. Putting your logo on products

10.  What is anchor text?

  1. The visible text that is hyperlinked to another page
  2. The text in the top left of a webpage
  3. The most prominent text on a page, used by search engines to assign a title to the page
  4. A slogan that sticks in a consumer’s mind

11.  What is a persona

  1. Your target audience
  2. Someone who joins your mailing list
  3. A repeat customer
  4. A fictional representation of a group of customers

12.  What is the name of email marketing that the recipient has consented to receive

  1. Search marketing
  2. Permission-based email marketing
  3. Internet advertising
  4. Social web marketing

13.  What is the name given to marketing to customers based on their location?

  1. Geographic
  2. Psychographic
  3. Behavioural
  4. Demographic

14.  How many users does LinkedIn have

  1. 470 million
  2. 630 million
  3. 740 million
  4. 850 million

15.  What does CTA stand for?

  1. Consequence To Advert
  2. Call To Action
  3. Computer Tracked Actions
  4. Characteristic Tracking Advert



1.     What does SEO stand for?

Answer: C

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. This means setting your website up to attract quality web traffic from organic searches. When a consumer makes a search on Google or another search engine, SEO helps your website to be displayed in the results, attracting prospective customers to your website.

By optimising your website, you can help to deliver high-quality information to search engines, allowing your content to be indexed so that it can show up within search results to increase your organic web traffic.

2.     What percentage of web traffic originates from organic search?

Answer: D

53% of all web traffic originates from organic search. Combine this with the 15% of traffic coming from paid search and you’ll see that over two thirds of web traffic is originating from search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

With over half of all web traffic coming from organic search, the importance of prioritising SEO in your digital marketing strategy has never been higher. If you can show up in your target audience’s search results, your brand is far more likely to get noticed and claim the traffic.

3.     Which of the following is NOT a type of digital marketing?

Answer: C

Video, social media and email are all key parts of digital marketing. Print advertising, however, is not a type of digital marketing. Print includes any form of printed media, such as leaflets, magazines, business cards, direct mail and catalogues.

This isn’t to say that print marketing isn’t effective. Before digital marketing existed, print marketing was the most effective form of advertising and it hasn’t lost that effectiveness – it’s simply been overtaken in the league tables by digital marketing.

4.     What does PPC stand for?

Answer: A

PPC stands for pay per click, which is a type of search engine advertising. This is essentially a way of buying traffic to your site, rather than achieving it organically.

Businesses bid for ad placement within a search engine’s sponsored links. This means that when a consumer searches for a keyword related to that business, the ad will show up, attracting visitors to the website. The business is charged a small fee every time someone clicks on the ad, earning it the name of ‘pay per click’.

If a PPC campaign is working effectively, the visit itself should be worth more than what you pay for it. However, PPC requires a lot of research to choose the right keywords. Get it wrong and you could end up paying large amounts of money for irrelevant web traffic.

5.     What is the maximum number of characters per tweet?

Answer: D

Twitter limits its tweet length to 280 characters. This includes spaces and special characters. However, only 1% of tweets hit this limit, with the most common length for a tweet currently sitting at 33 characters.

If you thought the answer here was 140, you may be stuck in the past. The limit was 140 until 2017 when it was doubled to 280. Only 12% of tweets exceed the old limit of 140 characters, so it seems that most users prefer to share brief messages on Twitter.

6.     Which of the following is NOT a type of content marketing?

Answer: C

Images, blog posts and video are all types of content marketing. OneNote is a piece of software by Microsoft which allows you take notes and save useful pieces of information, so is not a type of content marketing.

Content marketing involves creating and sharing pieces of content to raise brand awareness and stimulate interest in a company’s products or services. Although content marketing won’t usually directly promote a product or service, it aims to attract and engage potential customers to drive conversion.

7.     What is a CRM?

Answer: B

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. This is a strategy which is involved with managing interactions with customers to increase customer retention and loyalty.

You’ll probably hear about CRM most often in terms of a piece of software which monitors interactions with customers. This software stores information about purchase history to create analysis of purchasing behaviour patterns. This can help the company to tailor promotions and increase retention rates.

8.     Which is more secure: HTTP or HTTPS?

Answer: B

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, whilst HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. In basic terms, HTTP and HTTPS are exactly the same, except HTTPS has added security. This security is added through the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, which enables encryption. This helps to prevent hackers from seeing private content and conversations on the site.

But how is this relevant to digital marketing” Google is now prioritising HTTPS sites for ranking, so opting for HTTPS can give a slight boost to your SEO. Not only that, but some consumers will actively look for HTTPS sites as they are seen as being more trustworthy.

9.     What does “branding” mean in digital marketing?

Answer: C

In digital marketing, branding refers to a company’s personal identity and image. Many people automatically think of visual identity when it comes to branding, such as a business’ logo, design and packaging. However, branding is far more than just your logo – it’s the overall identity and image of your business.

Branding includes your tone of voice, style and overall persona of your business. Some companies are seen as knowledgeable experts whilst others are down to earth, relatable and friendly. The personality of your business is demonstrated through your branding, helping consumers to recognise your brand and relate to it.

10.  What is anchor text?

Answer: A

Anchor text refers to the visible text that you see in a hyperlink. It is often blue and underlined, and when you click on it, you’ll be taken to another webpage. Anchor text can be optimised for search engines by making it relevant to the target page and keeping it succinct.

11.  What is a persona

Answer: D

In digital marketing, a persona is a fictional character which represents your ideal customer. You might sometimes hear to it referred to as a buyer persona or marketing persona. The characteristics of this persona will be based on market research and segmentation data.

Using a persona can help you to target your digital marketing efforts more effectively, as you will have a clearer and more in-depth understanding of your target audience. It will also help you to relate to your customer as a real person, so that you can tailor your communications to this character.

12.  What is the name of email marketing that the recipient has consented to receive

Answer: B

Permission-based email marketing involves communicating by email with consumers who have actively opted in to receiving email marketing. This is the opposite to using cold emailing tactics such as buying email lists.

The benefit of using permission-based email marketing is that you know that your audience is interested in your business. After all, they’ve actively chosen to sign up to your mailing list. For this reason, permission-based emails tend to have higher open rates of up to 40%.

13.  What is the name given to marketing to customers based on their location?

Answer: A

Geographic segmentation means marketing to consumers based on their location. This is usually done according to area, such as postcodes, cities, counties or countries. However, you can also segment the market geographically according to whether the area is urban, suburban or rural.

This type of segmentation is useful for large businesses which operate on a national or international basis as consumers in different regions will have different needs, wants and cultural characteristics. It is also useful for small businesses with limited budgets who are looking to focus their marketing on a defined area.

14.  How many users does LinkedIn have

Answer: C

LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional network, with an impressive 740 million users registered on the platform. 40% of these users access LinkedIn on a daily basis, with over 1 billion interactions with the platform each month. It is used by job seekers and recruiters alike, as well as for promoting businesses.

Businesses can also have their own profile on LinkedIn. In fact, there are also over 55 million companies registered on LinkedIn, making it a great place to network with other business owners and enhance your digital marketing efforts.

15.  What does CTA stand for?

Answer: B

CTA stands for Call To Action. This is a written directive that tells your audience exactly what you want them to do. An effective call to action will help to increase interaction, as well as your conversion rates.

A call to action can be in the form of a text hyperlink, a button or even plain text without a link. The most important thing is that it tells the reader exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s “buy now”, “contact us” or “subscribe today”.

Call to actions are used in every type of digital marketing. You’ll find them on websites, landing pages, email marketing, social media posts, blog posts and even within videos. Whenever you want to tell your customer what to do next, you’ll need use an effective call to action to direct them.

How did you do?

So, how did you fare with our digital marketing quiz” Are you a digital marketing guru or do you need to brush up on your knowledge

Digital marketing is quickly transforming the marketing landscape. If you want any chance of staying ahead of the competition, you’ll need to make sure that you keep up to date with the rapid advances in digital marketing, adopting new trends as they emerge so that you never get left behind.

Having an in-depth understanding of digital marketing techniques can help you to promote your business effectively to today’s ever-changing consumer market. This will enable you to set your business apart from the crowd, allowing you to stand out in even the most crowded of online marketplaces.

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