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York, PA (June 8, 2024) – On Friday morning in York, a train collided with a vehicle at approximately 8:30 a.m. on East Market Street, near Fulton Street, causing potentially serious injuries to at least one person.

Local news footage depicted a blue sedan with extensive damage, which was towed away after the train reversed from the area. The events leading up to the collision remain unknown, though witnesses called the incident into officers with the York Police Department just before they arrived at the site. EMTs assessed the vehicle’s driver and a potential passenger at the site, though their current conditions are unknown. In the interim, an investigation is ongoing, and witnesses were asked to contact York City police officers or local York authorities.

Our thoughts and best wishes for a full recovery go out to the injured victims and their loved ones.

Train Accidents in Pennsylvania 

Though train-related collisions do not happen as commonly as other accidents in Pennsylvania, they still occur and lead to extensive trauma and property damage every year. Throughout the contiguous United States, it was reported that there were nearly 900 railroad fatalities and several other injuries over the last year, an increase of about 20% over the prior year of data. As train collisions rise throughout the United States, more precautions must be taken at railroad crossings. If you have been hurt in a train accident that is not your fault, you should speak with an attorney who has your best interests in mind.

The outcome of a train accident can be devastating, especially when passenger vehicles and pedestrians are involved. Because trains are so large, heavy, and commanding, they are capable of causing catastrophic damage, particularly to these much smaller cars or victims walking outside of these vehicles. Several different parties could be at fault for a train crash. These include some of the following:

  • The train’s engineer
  • The railroad company
  • A manufacturer of train parts
  • A cargo loader

Holding one party liable for a train collision is difficult enough, but it becomes increasingly complex when more parties are involved. If you have been hurt in a train accident, speaking with a York County personal injury attorney is the best decision you can make following a serious collision. Thankfully, you don’t have to handle the aftermath of an accident on your own.

Our skilled attorneys at Edelstein Martin & Nelson are here for you after you have been hurt in a train accident that is not your fault. You only have a limited time to file your claim before you are barred from doing so completely, leaving you without the compensation you need to cover your losses. Our attorneys will stand by your side as you work toward the compensation you deserve for various financial damages. You should never have to face the aftermath of a train accident without the assistance of a qualified lawyer. Please do not hesitate to contact a train accident attorney in York at (215) 731-9900 to find out what we can do for you and your family today.

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